I started my investigation with support department. I asked them to list most popular requests and struggles our sellers and buyers had. Support managers also put me in contact with most active sellers. Me and my PM conducted bunch of interviews and created lots of artifacts such as empathy maps, user flows, customer journeys, personas and so on.
In between of interviews I conducted market analysis, in order to understand what other companies like ours offer to their customers. But what if the info we’ve got reflected struggles and needs of the most loud but small segment of our users? To validate that I rolled up my sleeves and dived into domain forums, reading dozens of threads, and trying to find patters and common struggles.
The biggest insight we received from our research was the fact that sellers with big portfolios manage all their domains and pricing in an exel doc, which was completely different from the assumptions we had in the company. Another insight was the fact that most of the sellers try out new platforms with small amounts of domains, so it also changed the scope of the task, the new management tool was meant for bulk actions and also for operations on a smaller scale.
I needed to make both experiences as simple and smooth as possible.